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Campaign over view and objectives

We would prefer Wisbech Not to become a dumping ground for other counties waste but do appreciate all waste including our own must have a suitablebe place to go. The local population will have to live with the consequences of any new facility therefore our voice should be heard. We should have a say on the technology and scale of any facility we are expected to live with. Our overriding objective is to see that only the safest and most sustainable technology is used on a scale appropriate for our needs. We are satisfied incineration as currently proposed is not as safe as we are led to believe and the associated damage to health and the local economy will exceed any claimed benefits.

A 'ticking time bomb' for farmers.

A 'ticking time bomb' for farmers

Incinerator developers claim their technology is now clean and well regulated with robust enforcment of the rules. They claim constant monitoring of the pollution ensures it remains within strict limits. While some of this is true it is also misleading.

The truth is only a few pollutantsion are monitored constantly, many of the most hazardous including: Dioxins, Furans, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic, Chromium, Thallium, Vinadium are only tested for a maximum of 8 hours every six months. The testing is arranged by the incinerator company themselves.

Even if the the pollution were to stay inside legal limits the Wisbech incinerator can discharge over 42 tonnes of heavy metals and varst quantities of hazardous PM2.5 particulates.

By deciding to build such a large incinerator the developer will by-passes the usual planning process. The Government will decide whether or not this is built. If local MP's genuinely want to stop it and act together they are able to stop it.

Discharging a constant plume of heavy metals and other pollutants for decades in an area surrounded by farm land is not good news for food producers and residents. Pollutants accumulate in the soil and do not break down. As and when a serious emissions breach is discovered we can expect justified calls for testing to see whether soil and produce has been contaminated. Currently produce is not routinely tested for heavy metals or dioxin. A food producer suffering incinerator pollution is likely to face disaster. Don't expect the incinerator's operator to admit liability. The local community would receive no appreciable benefit compared to the negative impact of hosting the incinerator, our MPs must work together and stop this 'ticking time bomb'.

Strict Regulation? Think again 5% of what is burnt becomes dioxin contaminated fly-ash, disposed of to landfill

Hazardous fly ash blowing on to farm land

Safety Assurances

Incinerator companies and their consultants claim emissions will not threaten public health. However it is recognised in legislation that PM2.5 fine particulates are extremely harmful to human health and like asbestos have NO SAFE EXPOSURE LIMIT.

Waste Incinerators discharge massive quantities of fine and ultra fine particulates that are virtually weightless.

Over the years the incinerator industry has gone to massive lengths lobbying Governments. Consultants (Enviros) who work for the incinerator industry have prepared reports relied upon by Government departments, such as the crucial 'DEFRA Environmental & Health Effects of Waste Management'. It should come as no surprise when a company boasting of its influence over policy, fails to spot problems with clients' products.

For years Prof Jim Bridges was employed to defend the tobacco industry's interests and those of incinerator companies. He provided 'evidence' for them at the King's Lynn incinerator enquiry.

What about health studies?
There have been health studies and some of those not sponsored by the incinerator industry have found incinerator emsissions are harmful.

It must be acknowledged, over the past 30 years the industry has massively reduced the bigger PM10 smoke particles, so now they can claim 99.99% of particulates are trapped by filters. Unfortunately by focusing attention on these bigger particulates it masks the important contribution still made by the dangerous PM2.5 fine particulates.

Despite assurances, modern incinerators are permitted to discharge a cocktail of many tonnes of heavy metals (Aresnic, Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Chromium) huge amounts of harmful PM2.5 particulates and throughout their working life millions of tonnes of CO2.